diff --git a/memopol_representatives/templates/memopol_representatives/view.html b/memopol_representatives/templates/memopol_representatives/view.html
index 13a8d2416565ac1718f59fc8411d7d7d96f098a8..a9ba5edc595c898e05407374e054f43ac41f271a 100644
--- a/memopol_representatives/templates/memopol_representatives/view.html
+++ b/memopol_representatives/templates/memopol_representatives/view.html
@@ -10,27 +10,20 @@
 <h1>{{ representative.full_name }}</h1>
-  {{ representative.country.name }} {{ representative.gender }} <br>
-  Born in {{ representative.birth_place }} the {{ representative.birth_date }} <br>  
+{% for mandate in representative.mandate_set.all %}
+{% if mandate.group.kind == "group" %}
+<h3>{{ mandate.role }} of {{ mandate.group.name }}</h3>
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+<p>Born in {{ representative.birth_place }} the {{ representative.birth_date }} ({{ representative.get_gender_display }})</p>
+<p>{{ representative.country.name }}</p>
-<h2 style="clear: both">Mandates</h2>
+<h2 style="clear: both">Committees</h2>
 {% for mandate in representative.mandate_set.all %}
-<div class="mandate">
-  <h3>
-    {{ mandate.group.name }}
-    <small>
-      {{ mandate.role }}
-    </small>
-  </h3>
-  <p>
-    {{ mandate.begin_date }} to {{ mandate.end_date }} <br>
-    <strong>{{ mandate.group.kind }}</strong> : <em>{{ mandate.group.name }} ({{ mandate.group.abbreviation }})</em> <br>
-    Constituency : {{ mandate.constituency.name }} <br>
-  </p>
+{% if mandate.group.kind == "committee" %}
+    <p>{{ mandate.role }} of {{ mandate.group.name }} ({{ mandate.group.abbreviation }})
+{% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/memopol_representatives/urls.py b/memopol_representatives/urls.py
index 53be2454d1095d3e46037c10b9e62e0ed0cad714..82933f63bb1e48d99d3cbfecd283bd157a079b78 100644
--- a/memopol_representatives/urls.py
+++ b/memopol_representatives/urls.py
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ from memopol_representatives import views
 urlpatterns = patterns(
     url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),
+    url(r'^committee/(?P<committee>\w{4})$', views.committee, name='committee'),
     url(r'^view/(?P<num>\d+)$', views.view, name='view'),
diff --git a/memopol_representatives/views.py b/memopol_representatives/views.py
index af8a34bf91361bab70ab8e25feacecb6774e7bb8..04e5e9af7490d6d71d08df6c79aadfa09a8f6610 100644
--- a/memopol_representatives/views.py
+++ b/memopol_representatives/views.py
@@ -19,7 +19,45 @@ def index(request):
         representative_list = Representative.objects.all()
-    paginator = Paginator(representative_list, 5)
+    paginator = Paginator(representative_list, 50)
+    page = request.GET.get('page')
+    try:
+        representatives = paginator.page(page)
+    except PageNotAnInteger:
+        representatives = paginator.page(1)
+    except EmptyPage:
+        representatives = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
+    context['representatives'] = representatives
+    return render(
+        request,
+        'memopol_representatives/list.html',
+        context
+    )
+def committee(request, committee):
+    context = {}
+    if request.GET.get('search'):
+        search = request.GET.get('search')
+        representative_list = Representative.objects.filter(
+            mandate__group__kind='committee',
+            mandate__group__abbreviation=committee
+            ).filter(
+                Q(full_name__icontains=search)
+            )
+        queries_without_page = request.GET.copy()
+        if 'page' in queries_without_page:
+            del queries_without_page['page']
+        context['queries'] = queries_without_page
+    else:
+        representative_list = list(set(Representative.objects.filter(
+            mandate__group__kind='committee',
+            mandate__group__abbreviation=committee
+        ).all()))
+    paginator = Paginator(representative_list, 50)
     page = request.GET.get('page')