diff --git a/templates/representatives/_representative_block.haml b/templates/representatives/_representative_block.haml
index cc991450d3ff0fe258d687528f75defb04905140..4537dd5687bf819bb74948c26b61389da02136da 100644
--- a/templates/representatives/_representative_block.haml
+++ b/templates/representatives/_representative_block.haml
@@ -59,24 +59,25 @@
                 = site.url|website_link
-    %h2 Contact information
-    %table.table.table-condensed.detail-view
-      - for email in representative.email_set.all
-        %tr
-          %th E-mail
-          %td
-            = email.email|email_link
+    .col-md-12
+      %h2 Contact information
+      %table.table.table-condensed.detail-view
+        - for email in representative.email_set.all
+          %tr
+            %th E-mail
+            %td
+              = email.email|email_link
-      - if representative.phone_set.all|length > 0
-        %tr
-          %th Phone numbers
-          %td
-            - for phone in representative.phone_set.all
-              .phone {{ phone.number }}
+        - if representative.phone_set.all|length > 0
+          %tr
+            %th Phone numbers
+            %td
+              - for phone in representative.phone_set.all
+                .phone {{ phone.number }}
-      - for address in representative.address_set.all
-        %tr
-          %th
-            = address.name
-          %td
-            - include 'representatives/_address_block.html' with address=address
\ No newline at end of file
+        - for address in representative.address_set.all
+          %tr
+            %th
+              = address.name
+            %td
+              - include 'representatives/_address_block.html' with address=address
\ No newline at end of file