- load memopol_tags
- load representatives_tags
- load representatives_recommendations_tags
- load humanize



        %img{:src => "{{ representative.photo }}"}/

          %th Score
            = representative.score.score|score_label
          %th Chamber
            %a{'href': "{% url 'representatives:representative-list' group_kind='chamber' group=representative.chamber.name %}"}
              = representative.chamber|chamber_icon
          %th Country
            %a{:href => "{{ representative.country.get_absolute_url }}"}
              = representative.country|country_flag
          %th Party
            %a{:href => "{{ representative.main_mandate.group.get_absolute_url }}"}
              = representative.main_mandate|mandate_icon
          %th Biography
            Born in {{ representative.birth_place }} the
            {{ representative.birth_date|naturalday:'d/m/Y' }}
            ({{ representative.get_gender_display }})

        - if representative.social_websites|length > 0
            %th Social
              - for site in representative.social_websites
                - if site.kind == 'twitter'
                  = site.url|twitter_link
                - elif site.kind == 'facebook'
                  = site.url|facebook_link

        - if representative.other_websites|length > 0
            %th Websites
              - for site in representative.other_websites
                = site.url|website_link

      %h2 Contact information
        - for email in representative.email_set.all
            %th E-mail
              = email.email|email_link

        - if representative.phone_set.all|length > 0
            %th Phone numbers
              - for phone in representative.phone_set.all
                .phone {{ phone.number }}

        - for address in representative.address_set.all
              = address.name
              - include 'representatives/_address_block.html' with address=address