#!/bin/bash # # Quick-start script for new developers # Usage: from repo root, `source bin/quickstart.sh` # set -e REPOROOT=$(dirname $(dirname $0)) # Ensure we're at the root of the memopol repository pushd $REPOROOT >/dev/null # Create & activate python virtual environment virtualenv memopol_env source memopol_env/bin/activate # Install python dependencies pip install -e .[testing] # Install client dependencies bin/install_client_deps.sh # Create pg user and database if [ $(psql -c "select 'CNT=' || count(1) from pg_catalog.pg_user where usename='memopol';" -U postgres | grep CNT=1 | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then psql -c "create user memopol with password 'memopol';" -U postgres fi psql -c "alter role memopol with createdb;" -U postgres if [ $(psql -l -U postgres | egrep "^ memopol\W" | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then psql -c "create database memopol with owner memopol;" -U postgres fi # Setup environment export DJANGO_DEBUG=True export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=memopol.settings # Run django migration to create database ./manage.py migrate # Import sample data ./manage.py loaddata memopol/fixtures/smaller_sample.json echo echo "You're all set!" echo "To start the application run the following from the repository root ($REPOROOT):" echo " source memopol_env/bin/activate" echo " export DJANGO_DEBUG=True DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=memopol.settings" echo " ./manage.py runserver" echo echo "If you make changes, don't forget to run tests using:" echo " flake8 . --exclude '*/migrations,docs,static' --ignore E128" echo " py.test memopol representatives_positions representatives_recommendations" echo echo "Happy hacking ;)" echo popd >/dev/null