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echo "<?";
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  <title>Mediakit - La Quadrature du Net<?php if ($title) echo " - ".$title; ?></title>
<description>Le Mediakit de La Quadrature du Net, Videos, Audio, Images</description>


if (!isset($_REQUEST["type"])) $_REQUEST["type"]=-1;
if (!isset($_REQUEST["show"])) $_REQUEST["show"]=2;

  $order="ORDER BY datec DESC";
    if ($_REQUEST["type"]!=-1) {
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      $where["q"]=" AND MATCH(filename,title,description) AGAINST ('".asl($_REQUEST["q"])."') ";


$r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM media WHERE 1 ".implode($where,"")." $order LIMIT $offset,$count;");

while ($c=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
  $tags=mqassoc("SELECT t.id, t.name FROM tag t, mediatag mt WHERE mt.media='".$c["id"]."' AND mt.tag=t.id ORDER BY t.name;");

  echo "<item xml:lang=\"fr\">
<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">$url</guid>
<dc:creator>La Quadrature du Net</dc:creator>
    if (count($tags)) {
      foreach($tags as $tid=>$tname) {
	echo "<dc:subject>".iconv("ISO8859-1","UTF-8",$tname)."</dc:subject>\n";
echo  "