# coding: utf-8 import logging import sys from datetime import datetime import django.dispatch import ijson import django from django.apps import apps from django.db import transaction from django.utils import timezone from representatives.models import (Country, Mandate, Email, Address, WebSite, Representative, Constituency, Phone, Group, Chamber) from variants import FranceDataVariants logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) representative_pre_import = django.dispatch.Signal( providing_args=['representative_data']) def _get_mdef_item(mdef, item, json, default=None): if item in mdef: return mdef[item] % json if '%s_path' % item in mdef: return _get_path(json, mdef['%s_path' % item]) if '%s_fn' % item in mdef: return mdef['%s_fn' % item](json) return default def _parse_date(date): return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() def _create_mandate(representative, group, constituency, role='', begin_date=None, end_date=None): mandate, _ = Mandate.objects.get_or_create( representative=representative, group=group, constituency=constituency, role=role, begin_date=begin_date, end_date=end_date ) if _: logger.debug('Created mandate %s', mandate.pk) def _get_path(dict_, path): ''' Get value at specific path in dictionary. Path is specified by slash- separated string, eg _get_path(foo, 'bar/baz') returns foo['bar']['baz'] ''' cur = dict_ for part in path.split('/'): cur = cur[part] return cur class GenericImporter(object): def pre_import(self): self.import_start_datetime = timezone.now() def touch_model(self, model, **data): ''' This method create or look up a model with the given data it saves the given model if it exists, updating its updated field ''' instance, created = model.objects.get_or_create(**data) if not created: if instance.updated < self.import_start_datetime: instance.save() # Updates updated field return (instance, created) class FranceDataImporter(GenericImporter): url = 'http://francedata.future/data/parlementaires.json' def parse_date(self, date): return _parse_date(date) def __init__(self, variant): self.france = Country.objects.get(name="France") self.variant = FranceDataVariants[variant] self.chamber, _ = Chamber.objects.get_or_create( name=self.variant['chamber'], abbreviation=self.variant['abbreviation'], country=self.france) self.ch_constituency, _ = Constituency.objects.get_or_create( name=self.variant['chamber'], country=self.france) @transaction.atomic def manage_rep(self, rep_json): ''' Import a rep as a representative from the json dict fetched from FranceData (which comes from nosdeputes.fr) ''' remote_id = rep_json[self.variant['remote_id_field']] if rep_json['num_circo'] == 'non disponible': rep_json['num_circo'] = 'nd' if not remote_id: logger.warning('Skipping MEP without UID %s %s', rep_json['nom'], rep_json[self.variant['remote_id_field']]) return # Some versions of memopol will connect to this and skip inactive reps. responses = representative_pre_import.send(sender=self, representative_data=rep_json) for receiver, response in responses: if response is False: logger.debug( 'Skipping MEP %s', rep_json['nom']) return try: representative = Representative.objects.get(remote_id=remote_id) except Representative.DoesNotExist: representative = Representative(remote_id=remote_id) # Save representative attributes self.import_representative_details(representative, rep_json) representative.save() self.add_mandates(representative, rep_json) self.add_contacts(representative, rep_json) logger.debug('Imported MEP %s', unicode(representative)) return representative def import_representative_details(self, representative, rep_json): representative.active = True if rep_json.get("date_naissance"): representative.birth_date = _parse_date(rep_json["date_naissance"]) if rep_json.get("lieu_naissance"): representative.birth_place = rep_json["lieu_naissance"] representative.photo = rep_json['photo_url'] representative.full_name = rep_json["nom"] gender_convertion_dict = { u"F": 1, u"H": 2 } if 'sexe' in rep_json: representative.gender = gender_convertion_dict.get(rep_json[ 'sexe'], 0) else: representative.gender = 0 representative.slug = rep_json['slug'] def add_mandates(self, representative, rep_json): ''' Create mandates from rep data based on variant configuration ''' # Mandate in country group for party constituency if rep_json.get('parti_ratt_financier'): constituency, _ = Constituency.objects.get_or_create( name=rep_json.get('parti_ratt_financier'), country=self.france) group, _ = self.touch_model(model=Group, abbreviation=self.france.code, kind='country', name=self.france.name) _create_mandate(representative, group, constituency, 'membre') # Configurable mandates for mdef in self.variant['mandates']: if mdef.get('chamber', False): chamber = self.chamber else: chamber = None if 'from' in mdef: elems = mdef['from'](rep_json) else: elems = [rep_json] for elem in elems: name = _get_mdef_item(mdef, 'name', elem, '') abbr = _get_mdef_item(mdef, 'abbr', elem, '') group, _ = self.touch_model(model=Group, abbreviation=abbr, kind=mdef['kind'], chamber=chamber, name=name) role = _get_mdef_item(mdef, 'role', elem, 'membre') start = _get_mdef_item(mdef, 'start', elem, None) if start is not None: start = _parse_date(start) end = _get_mdef_item(mdef, 'end', elem, None) if end is not None: end = _parse_date(end) _create_mandate(representative, group, self.ch_constituency, role, start, end) logger.debug( '%s => %s: %s of "%s" (%s) %s-%s' % (rep_json['slug'], mdef['kind'], role, name, abbr, start, end)) def add_contacts(self, representative, rep_json): # Websites websites = rep_json.get('sites_web', []) for site in websites: if not site['site'].startswith('http://twitter.com/'): self.touch_model(model=WebSite, url=site['site'], representative=representative ) # Twitter if rep_json.get('twitter'): tid = rep_json.get('twitter') self.touch_model(model=WebSite, representative=representative, kind='twitter', url='http://twitter.com/%s' % tid ) # E-mails emails = rep_json.get('emails', []) for email in emails: mail = email['email'] self.touch_model( model=Email, representative=representative, kind=('official' if mail.endswith(self.variant['mail_domain']) else 'other'), email=mail) # Official address off_name = self.variant['off_name'] official_addr, _ = self.touch_model(model=Address, representative=representative, country=self.france, city=self.variant['off_city'], street=self.variant['off_street'], number=self.variant['off_number'], postcode=self.variant['off_code'], kind='official', name=off_name ) # Addresses & phone numbers addresses = rep_json.get('adresses', []) for item in addresses: addr = None if 'geo' in item: props = item['geo'].get('properties', {}) name = '' if item['adresse'].lower().startswith('permanence'): name = 'Permanence' addr, _ = self.touch_model(model=Address, representative=representative, country=self.france, city=props.get('city', ''), street=props.get('street', ''), number=props.get('housenumber', ''), postcode=props.get('postcode', ''), kind='', name=name ) elif item['adresse'].lower().startswith(off_name.lower()): addr = official_addr if 'tel' in item: self.touch_model(model=Phone, address=addr, representative=representative, kind='', number=item['tel'] ) def main(stream=None): if not apps.ready: django.setup() an_importer = FranceDataImporter('AN') GenericImporter.pre_import(an_importer) sen_importer = FranceDataImporter('SEN') GenericImporter.pre_import(sen_importer) for data in ijson.items(stream or sys.stdin, ''): for rep in data: if rep['chambre'] == 'AN': an_importer.manage_rep(rep) elif rep['chambre'] == 'SEN': sen_importer.manage_rep(rep)