# Update the keycloak installation - name: Checking for pre-existing installation stat: path: "{{ keycloak_base_path }}/keycloak-{{ keycloak_previous_version }}" register: is_there_an_existing_keycloak - name: Printing status of pre-existing installation debug: msg: "{{ is_there_an_existing_keycloak }}" - name: Updating if needed block: # Stop the service - name: Stopping the service for the update. become: yes systemd: name: "{{ keycloak_service_name }}" state: stopped # NB: We are installing to a new directory. We don't touch # the old directory. # Backup the database - name: Backing up the of database become: yes shell: mysqldump keycloak > /root/keycloak-backup-$(date --iso).sql # Upgrade the server #- name: Upgrading the server with the new files # This is actually reinstalling the files. when: is_there_an_existing_keycloak.stat.exists - name: Update state debug: msg: "No update done." when: not is_there_an_existing_keycloak.stat.exists - name: Force systemd to reread configs become: yes ansible.builtin.systemd: daemon_reload: yes