Explore projects
Display information about MPs and engage your audience to contact them
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eikichi / Bloque la pub sur Internet
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Site de Campagne Bloque la pub - https://bloquelapub.net
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La Quadrature du Net / Outils / parlscrap
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPHP Script to download a .json file of every EU MEP.
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A no-docker installation and configuration role for Uptime Kuma
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Template wordpress à cloner pour créer des thèmes personnalisés.
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La Quadrature du Net / generateur-slogans
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis project is the slogan generator used by LQDN for the donation compaign of years 2017-2018.
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This script converts a HTML page of amendments to a wikimedia format for the wiki.
How to use it Convert your page of amendments to a .html format Open the script in a webbrowser Import amendments Copy paste the result in the wikiUpdated -
Ansible role to install and update nodeBB forums
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Thème NodeBB basé sur Personna, dont les appels vers Google ont été supprimés.
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Le bot qui s'occupe d'ajouter les urls données par les bénévoles sur IRC dans la base de données des articles à "rp-iser"
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jaster / memopol
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPolitical Memory is a tool designed by La Quadrature du Net to help citizens reach their representatives and track their voting records on issues related to fundamental freedoms online.
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La Quadrature du Net / Political Memory / FranceData
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyExtraction d'information du site de l'assemblée nationnale
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This script converts a HTML page of amendments to a wikimedia format for the wiki.
How to use it Convert your page of amendments to a .html format Open the script in a webbrowser Import amendments Copy paste the result in the wikiUpdated -