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This script converts a HTML page of amendments to a wikimedia format for the wiki.
How to use it Convert your page of amendments to a .html format Open the script in a webbrowser Import amendments Copy paste the result in the wikiUpdated -
This script converts a HTML page of amendments to a wikimedia format for the wiki.
How to use it Convert your page of amendments to a .html format Open the script in a webbrowser Import amendments Copy paste the result in the wikiUpdated -
Une interface web pour faire des recherches dans les Recueils des actes administratifs (RAA) analysés par Attrap. https://attrap.fr
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Blog about Memopol and its news. In Pelican.
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Site de Campagne Bloque la pub - https://bloquelapub.net
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Site de Campagne Bloque la pub - https://bloquelapub.net
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Site de Campagne Bloque la pub - https://bloquelapub.net
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Mi-Wiki, mi-gestionnaire de fichier, utilisant des pad pour collaborer.
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Le carré est un outil de classification et de hiérarchisation de pad.
Archived 0Updated -
Les fichiers sources du site "controle-tes-donnees.net"
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