Explore projects
Archive for the defunct and deprecated Jabber / Xmpp service of La Quadrature du Net
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Campaign web site to monitor net neutrality violations made by operators.
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This is one frontend for the piphone. It can be used as is, or as a base for other frontends.
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The campaign manager, which can be used by piphone.
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Non code related project, mostly use to share info and keep a tab on hwo we build the tea house and where.
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Provide blocks with nodes in the same "dossier"
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This is a project used to keep track of meetings with representatives on specific subjects.
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This is the beta version of the new LQDN site, it includes all drupal specific code, readmes, and the likes.
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Une installation de discourse
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Deprecated for https://git.laquadrature.net/la-quadrature-du-net/outils/mastoposter-maubot
Was a Matrix bot to control a Mastodon account via a group tchat
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Generate lists of (the latest) nodes
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custom module with miscellaneous functions
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Provide a REST Api to interact with an asterisk server to manage calls, mainly used for the piphone.
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Django representatives data model
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