See a `hacking demo on the Memopol project in some epic
Read about it in `Continuous Delivery and DevOps
and I bet you'll order a paperback edition for reference !
Adding random recommendations
$ ./ shell
In [1]: from representatives_votes.models import Proposal
In [2]: from votes.models import Recommendation
In [3]: import random
In [4]: for p in Proposal.objects.all(): Recommendation.objects.create(proposal=p, recommendation='for', weight=random.randint(1,10))
Creating test fixtures
The largest test fixtures are, the longer it takes to load them, the longer the
test run is.
To create test fixtures for representatives_positions, insert some Position
objects, and reduce the database with::
./ remove_representatives_without_position
./ remove_groups_without_mandate
./ remove_countries_without_group
For representatives_recommendations::
./ remove_proposals_without_recommendation
./ remove_dossiers_without_proposal
./ remove_representatives_without_vote
./ remove_groups_without_mandate
./ remove_countries_without_group