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Update quickstart script & docs for PG usage

parent 677b112a
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......@@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ pip install -e .[testing]
# Install client dependencies
# Create pg user and database
if [ $(psql -c "select 'CNT=' || count(1) from pg_catalog.pg_user where usename='memopol';" -U postgres | grep CNT=1 | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then
psql -c "create user memopol with password 'memopol';" -U postgres
psql -c "alter role memopol with createdb;" -U postgres
if [ $(psql -l -U postgres | egrep "^ memopol\W" | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then
psql -c "create database memopol with owner memopol;" -U postgres
# Setup environment
export DJANGO_DEBUG=True
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=memopol.settings
......@@ -101,38 +101,33 @@ the ``DJANGO_DEBUG`` variable in the current shell::
$ export DJANGO_DEBUG=True
Run the development server
Setup the database
Run the development server::
Memopol requires PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher. It used to run with SQLite, too, but
that is no longer the case. Memopol uses the following environment variables
for database access:
$ ./ runserver
* ``MEMOPOL_DB_NAME`` (defaults to 'memopol')
* ``MEMOPOL_DB_USER`` (defaults to 'memopol')
* ``MEMOPOL_DB_PASSWORD`` (defaults to 'memopol')
* ``MEMOPOL_DB_HOST`` (defaults to 'localhost')
* ``MEMOPOL_DB_PORT`` (defaults to '5432')
Performing system checks...
Make sure the corresponding user and database exist on your system; the user
will need the 'createdb' permission in order to be able to run tests. To create
them, you may use the following commands:
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
December 09, 2015 - 21:26:47
Django version 1.8.7, using settings 'memopol.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
[09/Dec/2015 21:26:48] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13294
The website is running on ````.
$ psql -c "create user memopol with password 'memopol';" -U postgres
$ psql -c "alter role memopol with createdb;" -U postgres
$ psql -c "create database memopol with owner memopol;" -U postgres
Database migrations
The repo comes with a pre-configured SQLite db with sample data so that you can
start hacking right away. However, if you were to use a local postgresql
database ie. with this sort of environment::
export DJANGO_DATABASE_DEFAULT_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=memopol.settings
Then you could run database migrations::
Database migrations ensure the database schema is up to date with the project.
If you're not sure, you can run them anyway, they won't do any harm. Use the
following command::
$ ./ migrate
Operations to perform:
......@@ -153,8 +148,7 @@ Then you could run database migrations::
Provision with data
Again, the repo comes with a pre-configured SQLite db with sample data so that
you can start hacking right away. However, you could still reload sample data::
You can load a small data sample for quick setup:
$ ./ loaddata memopol/fixtures/small_sample.json
......@@ -162,4 +156,22 @@ Or actual data (takes a while)::
$ bin/update_all
Run the development server
Run the development server::
$ ./ runserver
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
December 09, 2015 - 21:26:47
Django version 1.8.7, using settings 'memopol.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
[09/Dec/2015 21:26:48] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13294
The website is running on ````.
Continue to :doc:`administration`.
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