format.json 2,27 Kio
"id": "",
"personal": {
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"full_name": "", // optinional
"gender": "", // optional
"birth_date": "",
"birth_place": "", // optinional
"cv": "", // optional
"photo": "", // optional
"contact": {
"emails": [{
"email": "",
"type": "", // optional
"websites": [{
"website": "",
"type": "", // optional
"phones": [{
"id": "", // needed for address
"phone": "",
"address": "for example \"the phone number of his office in the EP\"",
// optional, type foreignkey
"type": "fax, official, personnal etc ...", // optional
"address": [{
"id": "", // needed for phone
"country": {
"name": "",
"code": "",
"city": "",
"street": "",
"number": "",
"postcode": "",
"floor": "", // optinional
"office_number": "", // optinional
"type": "stuff like \"his official office\"",
// optinional
"geo": { // optinional
"lon": "",
"lat": "",
"phones": [
"0039xxxx", // Foreign key to a phone instance from above
"mandates": [{
// a dude is elected for this country,
// in this political group,
// for this party, for this region etc...
"name": "",
"type": "group, committee, delegation ...",
"short_id": "country code, committee/group abbreviation ...",
// optinional
"url_official": "", // optional
"constituency": "country, voting districts, party, etc",
// optional
"role": "", // optional
// either we have membership date or only if it's the current one
"begin_date": "", // optinional
"end_date": "", // optinional