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Avatar de Bastien Le Querrec
Bastien Le Querrec rédigé
In case we have to process CSVs with more than 1000 rows.

LQDN soutien

This is a php application based on Fat-Free-Framework and a MySQL database that handles donations and presents offered to donors to La Quadrature du Net

It's used as our primary donation platform, and uses our bank's payment system (cheaper) to get one-time or recurring payments recorded into the donation platform.

Installation (quick)

In order to install this project, run make doctor to check that everything is fine.

Then you can run make install to install the project. Follow instructions if needed. To install the DB, you need to run make reset-db (it will remove your local DB if it exists).

Once everything if fine, you can run a simple PHP server with make server-start

You have those accounts to test:

To access to the admin (/admin) use admin/password


Before submitting a PR, makes sure tests are OK: make test

Detailed dependencies, installation ...


This software depends on a few software :

  • composer (to install php dependencies) see
  • a mysql client (to inject the database schema)
  • a mysql server (no need for it to be local)
  • pdftk to generate pi-plomes (pdf with pi's decimals offered to our donors)
  • texlive-latex-base for the pdflatex binary for the piplomes (only required in production or for people debugging the piplomes code)

and for developers you may also need :

  • xgettext to manage translations, use:
    • make messages.pot to update PO files from source code.
    • make translations to compile MO files from PO files when translations are ready.

This software uses:

Look at app/ folder for most Controllers, and app/routes.ini for the application routes (the URLs)

Production deployment (not finished)

  • app/env must contains the proper values : database connection, bank visa payment codes, and ENV=production at the bottom.
  • point your Nginx or Apache with PHP5.6 to the www/ folder, and either allow Rewrite Rules (a2enmod rewrite) or point every URL not being a file to index.php (see below for an nginx sample)
  • use AND FORCE https usage, it's 2018, people ;)

Nginx configuration sample:

location ~ \.php$ {
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php5.sock;
location / {
   # try to serve file directly, fallback to index.php
   try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;