HedgeDocs Role
Un rôle pour installer le servide de Pad HedgeDocs
Voir : https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc/blob/master/docs/setup/manual-setup.md
- Node.js 10.13 or up
- Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MSSQL) The database must use charset utf8. This is typically the default in PostgreSQL and SQLite. In MySQL and MariaDB UTF-8 might need to be set with alter database character set utf8 collate utf8_bin; Be aware of older MySQL and MariaDB versions which sometimes use shorter representations of UTF-8 than 4 bytes. This can break if symbols with more bytes are used. You can use alter database character set utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci to be on the safe side.
- NPM (and its dependencies, node-gyp)
- Yarn
- Bash (for the setup script)
- For building the HedgeDoc frontend you need a machine with at least 2 GB RAM. Starting with release 1.7 the release tarball includes the frontend, so building it yourself is not necessary.
Role Variables
Voir les variables dans vars/main.yml
Nécessite le module https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/postgresql
Example Playbook
- hosts: hedgedocs-server
- { role: hedgedocs-pad-lqdn,
hedgedoc-version: "1.7.0-rc2",
hedgedoc-sql-password : "default password ITtHlXfTEBwcCypWPX07",
service_hedgedocs_domain : "https://pad.test.lqdn.fr"
Author Information
Utilisation chez LQDN ( lqdn.fr )